
IMPORTANT: This library is currently in an experimental stage. This means that breaking changes will happen in minor AND patch releases. Upgrade carefully. If you use this in production while in experimental stage, please lock your version to a patch-level version to avoid unexpected breaking changes.


Angular Query is compatible with Angular v16 and higher

$ npm i @tanstack/angular-query-experimental
# or
$ pnpm add @tanstack/angular-query-experimental
# or
$ yarn add @tanstack/angular-query-experimental
# or
$ bun add @tanstack/angular-query-experimental
$ npm i @tanstack/angular-query-experimental
# or
$ pnpm add @tanstack/angular-query-experimental
# or
$ yarn add @tanstack/angular-query-experimental
# or
$ bun add @tanstack/angular-query-experimental

Wanna give it a spin before you download? Try out the simple or basic examples!

Want to Skip the Docs? - The Official React Query Course
“This course is the best way to learn how to use React Query in real-world applications.”—Tanner Linsley
Check it out