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Caching Examples

Please thoroughly read the Important Defaults before reading this guide

Basic Example

This caching example illustrates the story and lifecycle of:

  • Query Instances with and without cache data
  • Background Refetching
  • Inactive Queries
  • Garbage Collection

Let's assume we are using the default cacheTime of 5 minutes and the default staleTime of 0.

  • A new instance of useQuery('todos', fetchTodos) mounts.
    • Since no other queries have been made with this query + variable combination, this query will show a hard loading state and make a network request to fetch the data.
    • It will then cache the data using 'todos' and fetchTodos as the unique identifiers for that cache.
    • The hook will mark itself as stale after the configured staleTime (defaults to 0, or immediately).
  • A second instance of useQuery('todos', fetchTodos) mounts elsewhere.
    • Because this exact data exists in the cache from the first instance of this query, that data is immediately returned from the cache.
  • A background refetch is triggered for both queries (but only one request), since a new instance appeared on screen.
    • Both instances are updated with the new data if the fetch is successful
  • Both instances of the useQuery('todos', fetchTodos) query are unmounted and no longer in use.
    • Since there are no more active instances of this query, a cache timeout is set using cacheTime to delete and garbage collect the query (defaults to 5 minutes).
  • Before the cache timeout has completed another instance of useQuery('todos', fetchTodos) mounts. The query immediately returns the available cached value while the fetchTodos function is being run in the background to populate the query with a fresh value.
  • The final instance of useQuery('todos', fetchTodos) unmounts.
  • No more instances of useQuery('todos', fetchTodos) appear within 5 minutes.
    • This query and its data are deleted and garbage collected.

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