Quick Start

The basic Svelte app example to get started with the TanStack svelte-store.


import { Store } from '@tanstack/svelte-store';

// You can instantiate the store outside of Svelte files too!
export const store = new Store({
  dogs: 0,
  cats: 0,

export function updateState(animal: 'cats' | 'dogs') {
  store.setState((state) => {
    return {
      [animal]: state[animal] + 1,
import { Store } from '@tanstack/svelte-store';

// You can instantiate the store outside of Svelte files too!
export const store = new Store({
  dogs: 0,
  cats: 0,

export function updateState(animal: 'cats' | 'dogs') {
  store.setState((state) => {
    return {
      [animal]: state[animal] + 1,


<script lang="ts">
    import Increment from "./Increment.svelte";
    import Display from "./Display.svelte";

<h1>How many of your friends like cats or dogs?</h1>
<p>Press one of the buttons to add a counter of how many of your friends like cats or dogs</p>
<Increment animal="dogs" />
<Display animal="dogs" />
<Increment animal="cats" />
<Display animal="cats" />
<script lang="ts">
    import Increment from "./Increment.svelte";
    import Display from "./Display.svelte";

<h1>How many of your friends like cats or dogs?</h1>
<p>Press one of the buttons to add a counter of how many of your friends like cats or dogs</p>
<Increment animal="dogs" />
<Display animal="dogs" />
<Increment animal="cats" />
<Display animal="cats" />


<script lang="ts">
    import { useStore } from '@tanstack/svelte-store';
    import { store } from './store';
    const {animal}: { animal: 'cats' | 'dogs' } = $props()
    const count = useStore(store, (state) => state[animal]);
<!-- This will only re-render when `state[animal]` changes. If an unrelated store property changes, it won't re-render -->
<div>{ animal }: { count.current }</div>
<script lang="ts">
    import { useStore } from '@tanstack/svelte-store';
    import { store } from './store';
    const {animal}: { animal: 'cats' | 'dogs' } = $props()
    const count = useStore(store, (state) => state[animal]);
<!-- This will only re-render when `state[animal]` changes. If an unrelated store property changes, it won't re-render -->
<div>{ animal }: { count.current }</div>


<script lang="ts">
    import { updateState } from './store';
    const { animal }: { animal: 'cats' | 'dogs' } = $props()
<button onclick={() => updateState(animal)}>My Friend Likes { animal }</button>
<script lang="ts">
    import { updateState } from './store';
    const { animal }: { animal: 'cats' | 'dogs' } = $props()
<button onclick={() => updateState(animal)}>My Friend Likes { animal }</button>
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