TanStack Ethos

At TanStack, our philosophy is simple: we build for the open web, open standards, and the freedom to compose, deploy, and innovate however you see fit.

Independently Owned, Unbiased by Design

TanStack LLC is 100% privately owned by its founder—no external investors, no controlling interests, and no hidden agendas. Our funding comes from media and marketing partnerships with companies that share our core values: the open web, open standards, and the freedom to compose and deploy anything you want, anywhere you please.

A Sustainable Future

TanStack is a lean, focused team: a full-time founder, several prominent and well-sponsored maintainers and a thriving community of users and contributors who share our core values.

Unlike venture-backed projects chasing growth at all costs, we don't need to "scale", "grow", or "expand" into a VC-funded, acquisition-seeking, or freemium-grifting product. We're not obsessed with hitting the next 10x multiplier to satisfy some parent company's lead-generating IPO ambitions.

That means:

  • No pressure to chase profits at the cost of developer experience.
  • No corporate influence dictating our technical direction.
  • A singular focus on building tools that make the web better for users and developers

Technology-Agnostic by Default

We believe in framework-agnostic, platform-agnostic, and future-proof tooling that puts developers first:

  • TanStack libraries are built on framework and platform-agnostic primitives. When our libraries build on other tools, like TanStack Start builds on Vite, we ensure that these tools uphold these same values of openness and flexibility.
  • TanStack Libraries either already support or will support all major (and some minor!) frameworks and deployment environments—no exceptions.
  • If there's any technology we're aligned with, it's TypeScript—or more broadly, "typed JavaScript", whatever that evolves into as time goes on.

Open Sponsorships

Every sponsor we work with not only understands but actively upholds our values:

  • No sponsor can dictate or influence TanStack's core technology in a way that biases it toward their platform.
  • Our libraries are built to serve developers first, not corporate interests.
  • If a company supports us, it's because they believe in what we're building—not because they expect preferential treatment.

At the end of the day, TanStack isn't just a set of libraries—it's a commitment to building the web on your terms, without compromise. All we need is enough to keep improving tools that we believe actually make the web a better place.

- Tanner Linsley
Founder, TanStack LLC