Basic Concepts and Terminology

This page introduces the basic concepts and terminology used in the @tanstack/angular-form library. Familiarizing yourself with these concepts will help you better understand and work with the library.

Form Instance

A Form Instance is an object that represents an individual form and provides methods and properties for working with the form. You create a form instance using the injectForm function. The hook accepts an object with an onSubmit function, which is called when the form is submitted.

const form = injectForm({
  onSubmit: async ({ value }) => {
    // Do something with form data
const form = injectForm({
  onSubmit: async ({ value }) => {
    // Do something with form data


A Field represents a single form input element, such as a text input or a checkbox. Fields are created using the tanstackField directive. The directive accepts a name prop, which should match a key in the form's default values. It also exposes a field named instance of the directive's internals that should be used via a template variable to access the field's internals.


<ng-container [tanstackField]="form" name="firstName" #firstName="field">
<ng-container [tanstackField]="form" name="firstName" #firstName="field">

Field State

Each field has its own state, which includes its current value, validation status, error messages, and other metadata. You can access a field's state using the fieldApi.state property.


const { value, meta: { errors, isValidating } } = field.state
const { value, meta: { errors, isValidating } } = field.state

There are three field states can be very useful to see how the user interacts with a field. A field is "touched" when the user clicks/tabs into it, "pristine" until the user changes value in it, and "dirty" after the value has been changed. You can check these states via the isTouched, isPristine and isDirty flags, as seen below.

const { isTouched, isPristine, isDirty } = field.state.meta
const { isTouched, isPristine, isDirty } = field.state.meta

Field states

Field API

The Field API is an object accessed in the tanstackField.api property when creating a field. It provides methods for working with the field's state.




@tanstack/angular-form provides both synchronous and asynchronous validation out of the box. Validation functions can be passed to the tanstackField directive using the validators prop.


  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [TanStackField],
  template: `
    <ng-container [tanstackField]="form" name="firstName" #firstName="field">
export class AppComponent {
  firstNameValidator: FieldValidateFn<any, any, any, any, string> = ({
                                                                     }) =>
      ? 'A first name is required'
      : value.length < 3
        ? 'First name must be at least 3 characters'
        : undefined

  firstNameAsyncValidator: FieldValidateAsyncFn<any, any, any, any, string> =
    async ({ value }) => {
      await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
      return value.includes('error') && 'No "error" allowed in first name'

  form = injectForm({
    defaultValues: {
      firstName: '',
    onSubmit({ value }) {
  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [TanStackField],
  template: `
    <ng-container [tanstackField]="form" name="firstName" #firstName="field">
export class AppComponent {
  firstNameValidator: FieldValidateFn<any, any, any, any, string> = ({
                                                                     }) =>
      ? 'A first name is required'
      : value.length < 3
        ? 'First name must be at least 3 characters'
        : undefined

  firstNameAsyncValidator: FieldValidateAsyncFn<any, any, any, any, string> =
    async ({ value }) => {
      await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
      return value.includes('error') && 'No "error" allowed in first name'

  form = injectForm({
    defaultValues: {
      firstName: '',
    onSubmit({ value }) {

Validation Adapters

In addition to hand-rolled validation options, we also provide adapters like @tanstack/zod-form-adapter, @tanstack/yup-form-adapter, and @tanstack/valibot-form-adapter to enable usage with common schema validation tools like Zod, Yup, and Valibot.


import { zodValidator } from '@tanstack/zod-form-adapter'
import { z } from 'zod'

  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [TanStackField],
  template: `
        onChange: z.string().min(3, 'First name must be at least 3 characters'),
        onChangeAsyncDebounceMs: 500,
        onChangeAsync: firstNameAsyncValidator
      <!-- ... -->
export class AppComponent {
  firstNameAsyncValidator = z.string().refine(
    async (value) => {
      await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
      return !value.includes('error')
      message: "No 'error' allowed in first name",

  form = injectForm({
    defaultValues: {
      firstName: '',
    onSubmit({ value }) {
      // Do something with form data

  z = z
  zodValidator = zodValidator
import { zodValidator } from '@tanstack/zod-form-adapter'
import { z } from 'zod'

  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [TanStackField],
  template: `
        onChange: z.string().min(3, 'First name must be at least 3 characters'),
        onChangeAsyncDebounceMs: 500,
        onChangeAsync: firstNameAsyncValidator
      <!-- ... -->
export class AppComponent {
  firstNameAsyncValidator = z.string().refine(
    async (value) => {
      await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
      return !value.includes('error')
      message: "No 'error' allowed in first name",

  form = injectForm({
    defaultValues: {
      firstName: '',
    onSubmit({ value }) {
      // Do something with form data

  z = z
  zodValidator = zodValidator


@tanstack/angular-form offers a way to subscribe to form and field state changes via injectStore(this.form, selector).


import { injectForm, injectStore } from '@tanstack/angular-form'

class AppComponent {
  form = injectForm(/*...*/);
  canSubmit = injectStore(this.form, (state) => state.canSubmit)
  isSubmitting = injectStore(this.form, (state) => state.isSubmitting)
import { injectForm, injectStore } from '@tanstack/angular-form'

class AppComponent {
  form = injectForm(/*...*/);
  canSubmit = injectStore(this.form, (state) => state.canSubmit)
  isSubmitting = injectStore(this.form, (state) => state.isSubmitting)

Array Fields

Array fields allow you to manage a list of values within a form, such as a list of hobbies. You can create an array field using the tanstackField directive.

When working with array fields, you can use the fields pushValue, removeValue, and swapValues methods to add, remove, and swap values in the array.


  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [TanStackField],
  template: `
    <ng-container [tanstackField]="form" name="hobbies" #hobbies="field">
          @if (!hobbies.api.state.value.length) {
            No hobbies found
          @for (_ of hobbies.api.state.value; track $index) {
                  <label [for]="">Name:</label>
                  <label [for]="">Description:</label>
        <button type="button" (click)="hobbies.api.pushValue(defaultHobby)">
          Add hobby
export class AppComponent {
  defaultHobby = {
    name: '',
    description: '',
    yearsOfExperience: 0,

  getHobbyName = (idx: number) => `hobbies[${idx}].name` as const;
  getHobbyDesc = (idx: number) => `hobbies[${idx}].description` as const;

  form = injectForm({
    defaultValues: {
      hobbies: [] as Array<{
        name: string
        description: string
        yearsOfExperience: number
    onSubmit({ value }) {
  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [TanStackField],
  template: `
    <ng-container [tanstackField]="form" name="hobbies" #hobbies="field">
          @if (!hobbies.api.state.value.length) {
            No hobbies found
          @for (_ of hobbies.api.state.value; track $index) {
                  <label [for]="">Name:</label>
                  <label [for]="">Description:</label>
        <button type="button" (click)="hobbies.api.pushValue(defaultHobby)">
          Add hobby
export class AppComponent {
  defaultHobby = {
    name: '',
    description: '',
    yearsOfExperience: 0,

  getHobbyName = (idx: number) => `hobbies[${idx}].name` as const;
  getHobbyDesc = (idx: number) => `hobbies[${idx}].description` as const;

  form = injectForm({
    defaultValues: {
      hobbies: [] as Array<{
        name: string
        description: string
        yearsOfExperience: number
    onSubmit({ value }) {

These are the basic concepts and terminology used in the @tanstack/angular-form library. Understanding these concepts will help you work more effectively with the library and create complex forms with ease.

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