Defined in: packages/form-core/src/FieldApi.ts:362
An object type representing the options for a field in a form.
• TParentData
• TName extends DeepKeys<TParentData>
• TData extends DeepValue<TParentData, TName>
• TOnMount extends undefined | FieldValidateOrFn<TParentData, TName, TData>
• TOnChange extends undefined | FieldValidateOrFn<TParentData, TName, TData>
• TOnChangeAsync extends undefined | FieldAsyncValidateOrFn<TParentData, TName, TData>
• TOnBlur extends undefined | FieldValidateOrFn<TParentData, TName, TData>
• TOnBlurAsync extends undefined | FieldAsyncValidateOrFn<TParentData, TName, TData>
• TOnSubmit extends undefined | FieldValidateOrFn<TParentData, TName, TData>
• TOnSubmitAsync extends undefined | FieldAsyncValidateOrFn<TParentData, TName, TData>
optional asyncAlways: boolean;
optional asyncAlways: boolean;
Defined in: packages/form-core/src/FieldApi.ts:395
If true, always run async validation, even if there are errors emitted during synchronous validation.
optional asyncDebounceMs: number;
optional asyncDebounceMs: number;
Defined in: packages/form-core/src/FieldApi.ts:391
The default time to debounce async validation if there is not a more specific debounce time passed.
optional defaultMeta: Partial<FieldMeta<TParentData, TName, TData, TOnMount, TOnChange, TOnChangeAsync, TOnBlur, TOnBlurAsync, TOnSubmit, TOnSubmitAsync, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>>;
optional defaultMeta: Partial<FieldMeta<TParentData, TName, TData, TOnMount, TOnChange, TOnChangeAsync, TOnBlur, TOnBlurAsync, TOnSubmit, TOnSubmitAsync, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>>;
Defined in: packages/form-core/src/FieldApi.ts:414
An optional object with default metadata for the field.
optional defaultValue: NoInfer<TData>;
optional defaultValue: NoInfer<TData>;
Defined in: packages/form-core/src/FieldApi.ts:387
An optional default value for the field.
optional disableErrorFlat: boolean;
optional disableErrorFlat: boolean;
Defined in: packages/form-core/src/FieldApi.ts:442
Disable the flat(1) operation on field.errors. This is useful if you want to keep the error structure as is. Not suggested for most use-cases.
optional listeners: FieldListeners<TParentData, TName, TData>;
optional listeners: FieldListeners<TParentData, TName, TData>;
Defined in: packages/form-core/src/FieldApi.ts:438
A list of listeners which attach to the corresponding events
name: TName;
name: TName;
Defined in: packages/form-core/src/FieldApi.ts:383
The field name. The type will be DeepKeys<TParentData> to ensure your name is a deep key of the parent dataset.
optional validators: FieldValidators<TParentData, TName, TData, TOnMount, TOnChange, TOnChangeAsync, TOnBlur, TOnBlurAsync, TOnSubmit, TOnSubmitAsync>;
optional validators: FieldValidators<TParentData, TName, TData, TOnMount, TOnChange, TOnChangeAsync, TOnBlur, TOnBlurAsync, TOnSubmit, TOnSubmitAsync>;
Defined in: packages/form-core/src/FieldApi.ts:399
A list of validators to pass to the field
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