Form API

FormApi<TFormData, TFormValidator>

When using @tanstack/react-form, the core form API is extended at type level with additional methods for React-specific functionality:

  • tsx
    Field: FieldComponent<TFormData, TFormValidator>
    Field: FieldComponent<TFormData, TFormValidator>
    • A React component to render form fields. With this, you can render and manage individual form fields.
  • tsx
    useField: UseField<TFormData>
    useField: UseField<TFormData>
    • A custom React hook that provides functionalities related to individual form fields. It gives you access to field values, errors, and allows you to set or update field values.
  • tsx
    useStore: <TSelected = NoInfer<FormState<TFormData>>>(
          selector?: (state: NoInfer<FormState<TFormData>>) => TSelected,
    ) => TSelected
    useStore: <TSelected = NoInfer<FormState<TFormData>>>(
          selector?: (state: NoInfer<FormState<TFormData>>) => TSelected,
    ) => TSelected
    • A useStore hook that connects to the internal store of the form. It can be used to access the form's current state or any other related state information. You can optionally pass in a selector function to cherry-pick specific parts of the state
  • tsx
     Subscribe: <TSelected = NoInfer<FormState<TFormData>>>(props: {
          selector?: (state: NoInfer<FormState<TFormData>>) => TSelected
          children: ((state: NoInfer<TSelected>) => ReactNode) | ReactNode
    }) => JSX.Element
     Subscribe: <TSelected = NoInfer<FormState<TFormData>>>(props: {
          selector?: (state: NoInfer<FormState<TFormData>>) => TSelected
          children: ((state: NoInfer<TSelected>) => ReactNode) | ReactNode
    }) => JSX.Element
    • A Subscribe function that allows you to listen and react to changes in the form's state. It's especially useful when you need to execute side effects or render specific components in response to state updates.

      Note that TypeScript 5.0.4 and older versions will incorrectly complain if the selector method doesn't return the form's full state (state). This is caused by a bug in TypeScript, and you can safely ignore it with //@ts-expect-error directive.

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