TanStackQuery v5

Community Projects

There are lots of community projects that build on top of React Query and use it to provide additional functionality or enhanced developer experience. Projects are listed in alphabetical order. If you have a project that you would like to add to this list, please open a PR!

Please note that these projects are entirely community maintained. If you have questions about these projects, please reach out to the project maintainers.

Atomic CRM

A full-featured CRM built with React, react-admin, and Supabase.

Link: https://marmelab.com/atomic-crm/


A batch manager that will deduplicate and batch requests for a certain data type made within a window

Link: https://github.com/yornaath/batshit


The Missing Fullstack Toolkit for Next.js

Link: https://blitzjs.com/

GraphQL Code Generator

Generate React Query hooks from your GraphQL schema

Link: https://the-guild.dev/graphql/codegen


End-to-end type-safe Fastify API with typecript magic ✨

Link: https://http-wizard.com


Generate SDKs for all your APIs

Link: https://www.kubb.dev/


Query adapter for Angular

Link: https://ngneat.github.io/query/


Automatic normalization and data updates for data fetching libraries

Link: https://github.com/klis87/normy

OpenAPI codegen

A tool for generating code based on an OpenAPI schema.

Link: https://github.com/fabien0102/openapi-codegen

OpenAPI React Query codegen

Generate TanStack Query hooks based on an OpenAPI specification file.

Link: https://github.com/7nohe/openapi-react-query-codegen

OpenAPI zod client

Generate a zodios client from an OpenAPI specification

Link: https://github.com/astahmer/openapi-zod-client


A 2KB min, typesafe fetch wrapper that uses static TypeScript type inference and no runtime checks.

Link: https://openapi-ts.dev/openapi-react-query/


Generate TypeScript client from OpenAPI specifications

Link: https://orval.dev/

Query Key factory

A library for creating typesafe standardized query keys, useful for cache management in @tanstack/query

Link: https://github.com/lukemorales/query-key-factory


🥬 OpenAPI to React Query (or SWR) & Axios

Link: https://github.com/rametta/rapini

React Query Kit

🕊️ A toolkit for ReactQuery that makes ReactQuery hooks reusable and typesafe

Link: https://github.com/liaoliao666/react-query-kit

React Query Rewind

Time travel and visualize state during development

Link: https://reactqueryrewind.com/

React Query Swagger

Generate React Query hooks based on Swagger API definitions

Link: https://github.com/Shaddix/react-query-swagger

Suspensive React Query

Enhances React Query with Suspense support, allowing for simpler and more declarative data fetching

Link: https://suspensive.org/docs/react-query/motivation


End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy

Link: https://trpc.io/


Incrementally adoptable type-safety for your new and existing APIs

Link: https://ts-rest.com/


React Hooks for Ethereum based on @tanstack/react-query

Link: https://wagmi.sh/


End-to-end typesafe REST API toolbox

Link: https://www.zodios.org/