now accepts queryKey only as an ArgumentqueryClient.getQueryState
now accepts queryKey only as an ArgumentrefetchInterval
callback function only gets query
method has been removed from useQueryisDataEqual
option has been removed from useQuerycacheTime
to gcTime
option has been renamed to throwOnError
is now the default type for errors instead of unknown
rule is removedkeepPreviousData
in favor of placeholderData
identity functionfocus
prop in favor of custom queryClient
in favor of maxPages
from getNextPageParam
or getPreviousPageParam
now indicates that there is no further page availablestatus: loading
has been changed to status: pending
and isLoading
has been changed to isPending
and isInitialLoading
has now been renamed to isLoading
has been renamed to hashKey
prop has been removed from QueryClientProviderunstable_batchedUpdates
as the batching function in React and React Nativecombine
option for useQueries
fine grained storage persister
v5 is a major version, so there are some breaking changes to be aware of:
useQuery and friends used to have many overloads in TypeScript - different ways how the function can be invoked. Not only this was tough to maintain, type wise, it also required a runtime check to see which type the first and the second parameter, to correctly create options.
now we only support the object format.
;-useQuery(key, fn, options) + // [!code --]
useQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options }) - // [!code ++]
useInfiniteQuery(key, fn, options) + // [!code --]
useInfiniteQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options }) - // [!code ++]
useMutation(fn, options) + // [!code --]
useMutation({ mutationFn, ...options }) - // [!code ++]
useIsFetching(key, filters) + // [!code --]
useIsFetching({ queryKey, ...filters }) - // [!code ++]
useIsMutating(key, filters) + // [!code --]
useIsMutating({ mutationKey, ...filters }) // [!code ++]
;-useQuery(key, fn, options) + // [!code --]
useQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options }) - // [!code ++]
useInfiniteQuery(key, fn, options) + // [!code --]
useInfiniteQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options }) - // [!code ++]
useMutation(fn, options) + // [!code --]
useMutation({ mutationFn, ...options }) - // [!code ++]
useIsFetching(key, filters) + // [!code --]
useIsFetching({ queryKey, ...filters }) - // [!code ++]
useIsMutating(key, filters) + // [!code --]
useIsMutating({ mutationKey, ...filters }) // [!code ++]
;-queryClient.isFetching(key, filters) + // [!code --]
queryClient.isFetching({ queryKey, ...filters }) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.ensureQueryData(key, filters) + // [!code --]
queryClient.ensureQueryData({ queryKey, ...filters }) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.getQueriesData(key, filters) + // [!code --]
queryClient.getQueriesData({ queryKey, ...filters }) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.setQueriesData(key, updater, filters, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.setQueriesData({ queryKey, ...filters }, updater, options) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.removeQueries(key, filters) + // [!code --]
queryClient.removeQueries({ queryKey, ...filters }) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.resetQueries(key, filters, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.resetQueries({ queryKey, ...filters }, options) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.cancelQueries(key, filters, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.cancelQueries({ queryKey, ...filters }, options) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.invalidateQueries(key, filters, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey, ...filters }, options) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.refetchQueries(key, filters, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.refetchQueries({ queryKey, ...filters }, options) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.fetchQuery(key, fn, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.fetchQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options }) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.prefetchQuery(key, fn, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.prefetchQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options }) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.fetchInfiniteQuery(key, fn, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.fetchInfiniteQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options }) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.prefetchInfiniteQuery(key, fn, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.prefetchInfiniteQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options }) // [!code ++]
;-queryClient.isFetching(key, filters) + // [!code --]
queryClient.isFetching({ queryKey, ...filters }) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.ensureQueryData(key, filters) + // [!code --]
queryClient.ensureQueryData({ queryKey, ...filters }) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.getQueriesData(key, filters) + // [!code --]
queryClient.getQueriesData({ queryKey, ...filters }) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.setQueriesData(key, updater, filters, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.setQueriesData({ queryKey, ...filters }, updater, options) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.removeQueries(key, filters) + // [!code --]
queryClient.removeQueries({ queryKey, ...filters }) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.resetQueries(key, filters, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.resetQueries({ queryKey, ...filters }, options) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.cancelQueries(key, filters, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.cancelQueries({ queryKey, ...filters }, options) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.invalidateQueries(key, filters, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey, ...filters }, options) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.refetchQueries(key, filters, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.refetchQueries({ queryKey, ...filters }, options) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.fetchQuery(key, fn, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.fetchQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options }) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.prefetchQuery(key, fn, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.prefetchQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options }) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.fetchInfiniteQuery(key, fn, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.fetchInfiniteQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options }) - // [!code ++]
queryClient.prefetchInfiniteQuery(key, fn, options) + // [!code --]
queryClient.prefetchInfiniteQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options }) // [!code ++]
;-queryCache.find(key, filters) + // [!code --]
queryCache.find({ queryKey, ...filters }) - // [!code ++]
queryCache.findAll(key, filters) + // [!code --]
queryCache.findAll({ queryKey, ...filters }) // [!code ++]
;-queryCache.find(key, filters) + // [!code --]
queryCache.find({ queryKey, ...filters }) - // [!code ++]
queryCache.findAll(key, filters) + // [!code --]
queryCache.findAll({ queryKey, ...filters }) // [!code ++]
queryClient.getQueryData argument is changed to accept only a queryKey
;-queryClient.getQueryData(queryKey, filters) + // [!code --]
queryClient.getQueryData(queryKey) // [!code ++]
;-queryClient.getQueryData(queryKey, filters) + // [!code --]
queryClient.getQueryData(queryKey) // [!code ++]
queryClient.getQueryState argument is changed to accept only a queryKey
;-queryClient.getQueryState(queryKey, filters) + // [!code --]
queryClient.getQueryState(queryKey) // [!code ++]
;-queryClient.getQueryState(queryKey, filters) + // [!code --]
queryClient.getQueryState(queryKey) // [!code ++]
To make the remove overloads migration easier, v5 comes with a codemod.
The codemod is a best efforts attempt to help you migrate the breaking change. Please review the generated code thoroughly! Also, there are edge cases that cannot be found by the code mod, so please keep an eye on the log output.
If you want to run it against .js or .jsx files, please use the command below:
npx jscodeshift@latest ./path/to/src/ \
--extensions=js,jsx \
npx jscodeshift@latest ./path/to/src/ \
--extensions=js,jsx \
If you want to run it against .ts or .tsx files, please use the command below:
npx jscodeshift@latest ./path/to/src/ \
--extensions=ts,tsx \
--parser=tsx \
npx jscodeshift@latest ./path/to/src/ \
--extensions=ts,tsx \
--parser=tsx \
Please note in the case of TypeScript you need to use tsx as the parser; otherwise, the codemod won't be applied properly!
Note: Applying the codemod might break your code formatting, so please don't forget to run prettier and/or eslint after you've applied the codemod!
A few notes about how codemod works:
onSuccess, onError and onSettled have been removed from Queries. They haven't been touched for Mutations. Please see this RFC for motivations behind this change and what to do instead.
This streamlines how callbacks are invoked (the refetchOnWindowFocus, refetchOnMount and refetchOnReconnect callbacks all only get the query passed as well), and it fixes some typing issues when callbacks get data transformed by select.
- refetchInterval: number | false | ((data: TData | undefined, query: Query) => number | false | undefined) // [!code --]
+ refetchInterval: number | false | ((query: Query) => number | false | undefined) // [!code ++]
- refetchInterval: number | false | ((data: TData | undefined, query: Query) => number | false | undefined) // [!code --]
+ refetchInterval: number | false | ((query: Query) => number | false | undefined) // [!code ++]
You can still access data with query.state.data, however, it will not be data that has been transformed by select. If you need to access the transformed data, you can call the transformation again on query.state.data.
Previously, remove method used to remove the query from the queryCache without informing observers about it. It was best used to remove data imperatively that is no longer needed, e.g. when logging a user out.
But It doesn't make much sense to do this while a query is still active, because it will just trigger a hard loading state with the next re-render.
if you still need to remove a query, you can use queryClient.removeQueries({queryKey: key})
const queryClient = useQueryClient()
const query = useQuery({ queryKey, queryFn })
;-query.remove() + // [!code --]
queryClient.removeQueries({ queryKey }) // [!code ++]
const queryClient = useQueryClient()
const query = useQuery({ queryKey, queryFn })
;-query.remove() + // [!code --]
queryClient.removeQueries({ queryKey }) // [!code ++]
Mainly because an important fix was shipped around type inference. Please see this TypeScript issue for more information.
Previously, This function was used to indicate whether to use previous data (true) or new data (false) as a resolved data for the query.
You can achieve the same functionality by passing a function to structuralSharing instead:
import { replaceEqualDeep } from '@tanstack/react-query'
- isDataEqual: (oldData, newData) => customCheck(oldData, newData) // [!code --]
+ structuralSharing: (oldData, newData) => customCheck(oldData, newData) ? oldData : replaceEqualDeep(oldData, newData) // [!code ++]
import { replaceEqualDeep } from '@tanstack/react-query'
- isDataEqual: (oldData, newData) => customCheck(oldData, newData) // [!code --]
+ structuralSharing: (oldData, newData) => customCheck(oldData, newData) ? oldData : replaceEqualDeep(oldData, newData) // [!code ++]
Custom loggers were already deprecated in 4 and have been removed in this version. Logging only had an effect in development mode, where passing a custom logger is not necessary.
We have updated our browserslist to produce a more modern, performant and smaller bundle. You can read about the requirements here.
TanStack Query has always had private fields and methods on classes, but they weren't really private - they were just private in TypeScript. We now use ECMAScript Private class features, which means those fields are now truly private and can't be accessed from the outside at runtime.
Almost everyone gets cacheTime wrong. It sounds like "the amount of time that data is cached for", but that is not correct.
cacheTime does nothing as long as a query is still in use. It only kicks in as soon as the query becomes unused. After the time has passed, data will be "garbage collected" to avoid the cache from growing.
gc is referring to "garbage collect" time. It's a bit more technical, but also a quite well known abbreviation in computer science.
const MINUTE = 1000 * 60;
const queryClient = new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
- cacheTime: 10 * MINUTE, // [!code --]
+ gcTime: 10 * MINUTE, // [!code ++]
const MINUTE = 1000 * 60;
const queryClient = new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
- cacheTime: 10 * MINUTE, // [!code --]
+ gcTime: 10 * MINUTE, // [!code ++]
To make the useErrorBoundary option more framework-agnostic and avoid confusion with the established React function prefix "use" for hooks and the "ErrorBoundary" component name, it has been renamed to throwOnError to more accurately reflect its functionality.
Even though in JavaScript, you can throw anything (which makes unknown the most correct type), almost always, Errors (or subclasses of Error) are thrown. This change makes it easier to work with the error field in TypeScript for most cases.
If you want to throw something that isn't an Error, you'll now have to set the generic for yourself:
useQuery<number, string>({
queryKey: ['some-query'],
queryFn: async () => {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
throw 'some error'
return 42
useQuery<number, string>({
queryKey: ['some-query'],
queryFn: async () => {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
throw 'some error'
return 42
For a way to set a different kind of Error globally, see the TypeScript Guide.
Since the only supported syntax now is the object syntax, this rule is no longer needed
We have removed the keepPreviousData option and isPreviousData flag as they were doing mostly the same thing as placeholderData and isPlaceholderData flag.
To achieve the same functionality as keepPreviousData, we have added previous query data as an argument to placeholderData which accepts an identity function. Therefore you just need to provide an identity function to placeholderData or use the included keepPreviousData function from Tanstack Query.
A note here is that useQueries would not receive previousData in the placeholderData function as argument. This is due to a dynamic nature of queries passed in the array, which may lead to a different shape of result from placeholder and queryFn.
import {
+ keepPreviousData // [!code ++]
} from "@tanstack/react-query";
const {
- isPreviousData, // [!code --]
+ isPlaceholderData, // [!code ++]
} = useQuery({
- keepPreviousData: true, // [!code --]
+ placeholderData: keepPreviousData // [!code ++]
import {
+ keepPreviousData // [!code ++]
} from "@tanstack/react-query";
const {
- isPreviousData, // [!code --]
+ isPlaceholderData, // [!code ++]
} = useQuery({
- keepPreviousData: true, // [!code --]
+ placeholderData: keepPreviousData // [!code ++]
An identity function, in the context of Tanstack Query, refers to a function that always returns its provided argument (i.e. data) unchanged.
placeholderData: (previousData, previousQuery) => previousData, // identity function with the same behaviour as `keepPreviousData`
placeholderData: (previousData, previousQuery) => previousData, // identity function with the same behaviour as `keepPreviousData`
There are some caveats to this change however, which you must be aware of:
placeholderData will always put you into success state, while keepPreviousData gave you the status of the previous query. That status could be error if we have data fetched successfully and then got a background refetch error. However, the error itself was not shared, so we decided to stick with behavior of placeholderData.
keepPreviousData gave you the dataUpdatedAt timestamp of the previous data, while with placeholderData, dataUpdatedAt will stay at 0. This might be annoying if you want to show that timestamp continuously on screen. However you might get around it with useEffect.
const [updatedAt, setUpdatedAt] = useState(0)
const { data, dataUpdatedAt } = useQuery({
queryKey: ['projects', page],
queryFn: () => fetchProjects(page),
useEffect(() => {
if (dataUpdatedAt > updatedAt) {
}, [dataUpdatedAt])
const [updatedAt, setUpdatedAt] = useState(0)
const { data, dataUpdatedAt } = useQuery({
queryKey: ['projects', page],
queryFn: () => fetchProjects(page),
useEffect(() => {
if (dataUpdatedAt > updatedAt) {
}, [dataUpdatedAt])
The visibilitychange event is used exclusively now. This is possible because we only support browsers that support the visibilitychange event. This fixes a bunch of issues as listed here.
navigator.onLine doesn't work well in Chromium based browsers. There are a lot of issues around false negatives, which lead to Queries being wrongfully marked as offline.
To circumvent this, we now always start with online: true and only listen to online and offline events to update the status.
This should reduce the likelihood of false negatives, however, it might mean false positives for offline apps that load via serviceWorkers, which can work even without an internet connection.
In v4, we introduced the possibility to pass a custom context to all react-query hooks. This allowed for proper isolation when using MicroFrontends.
However, context is a react-only feature. All that context does is give us access to the queryClient. We could achieve the same isolation by allowing to pass in a custom queryClient directly. This in turn will enable other frameworks to have the same functionality in a framework-agnostic way.
import { queryClient } from './my-client'
const { data } = useQuery(
queryKey: ['users', id],
queryFn: () => fetch(...),
- context: customContext // [!code --]
+ queryClient, // [!code ++]
import { queryClient } from './my-client'
const { data } = useQuery(
queryKey: ['users', id],
queryFn: () => fetch(...),
- context: customContext // [!code --]
+ queryClient, // [!code ++]
In v4, we introduced the possibility to define the pages to refetch for infinite queries with the refetchPage function.
However, refetching all pages might lead to UI inconsistencies. Also, this option is available on e.g. queryClient.refetchQueries, but it only does something for infinite queries, not "normal" queries.
The v5 includes a new maxPages option for infinite queries to limit the number of pages to store in the query data and to refetch. This new feature handles the use cases initially identified for the refetchPage page feature without the related issues.
The options you can pass to dehydrate have been simplified. Queries and Mutations are always dehydrated (according to the default function implementation). To change this behaviour, instead of using the removed boolean options dehydrateMutations and dehydrateQueries you can implement the function equivalents shouldDehydrateQuery or shouldDehydrateMutation instead. To get the old behaviour of not hydrating queries/mutations at all, pass in () => false.
- dehydrateMutations?: boolean // [!code --]
- dehydrateQueries?: boolean // [!code --]
- dehydrateMutations?: boolean // [!code --]
- dehydrateQueries?: boolean // [!code --]
Previously, we've passed undefined to the queryFn as pageParam, and you could assign a default value to the pageParam parameter in the queryFn function signature. This had the drawback of storing undefined in the queryCache, which is not serializable.
Instead, you now have to pass an explicit initialPageParam to the infinite query options. This will be used as the pageParam for the first page:
- queryFn: ({ pageParam = 0 }) => fetchSomething(pageParam), // [!code --]
+ queryFn: ({ pageParam }) => fetchSomething(pageParam), // [!code ++]
+ initialPageParam: 0, // [!code ++]
getNextPageParam: (lastPage) => lastPage.next,
- queryFn: ({ pageParam = 0 }) => fetchSomething(pageParam), // [!code --]
+ queryFn: ({ pageParam }) => fetchSomething(pageParam), // [!code ++]
+ initialPageParam: 0, // [!code ++]
getNextPageParam: (lastPage) => lastPage.next,
Previously, we've allowed to overwrite the pageParams that would be returned from getNextPageParam or getPreviousPageParam by passing a pageParam value directly to fetchNextPage or fetchPreviousPage. This feature didn't work at all with refetches and wasn't widely known or used. This also means that getNextPageParam is now required for infinite queries.
In v4, you needed to explicitly return undefined to indicate that there is no further page available. We've widened this check to include null.
On the server, retry now defaults to 0 instead of 3. For prefetching, we have always defaulted to 0 retries, but since queries that have suspense enabled can now execute directly on the server as well (since React18), we have to make sure that we don't retry on the server at all.
The loading status has been renamed to pending, and similarly the derived isLoading flag has been renamed to isPending.
For mutations as well the status has been changed from loading to pending and the isLoading flag has been changed to isPending.
Lastly, a new derived isLoading flag has been added to the queries that is implemented as isPending && isFetching. This means that isLoading and isInitialLoading have the same thing, but isInitialLoading is deprecated now and will be removed in the next major version.
To understand the reasoning behind this change checkout the v5 roadmap discussion.
because it also hashes mutation keys and can be used inside the predicate functions of useIsMutating and useMutationState, which gets mutations passed.
React Query v5 requires React 18.0 or later. This is because we are using the new useSyncExternalStore hook, which is only available in React 18.0 and later. Previously, we have been using the shim provided by React.
You could previously use the contextSharing property to share the first (and at least one) instance of the query client context across the window. This ensured that if TanStack Query was used across different bundles or microfrontends then they will all use the same instance of the context, regardless of module scoping.
With the removal of the custom context prop in v5, refer to the section on Removed custom context prop in favor of custom queryClient instance. If you wish to share the same query client across multiple packages of an application, you can directly pass a shared custom queryClient instance.
Since the function unstable_batchedUpdates is noop in React 18, it will no longer be automatically set as the batching function in react-query.
If your framework supports a custom batching function, you can let TanStack Query know about it by calling notifyManager.setBatchNotifyFunction.
For example, this is how the batch function is set in solid-query:
import { notifyManager } from '@tanstack/query-core'
import { batch } from 'solid-js'
import { notifyManager } from '@tanstack/query-core'
import { batch } from 'solid-js'
To better support concurrent features and transitions we've made some changes to the hydration APIs. The Hydrate component has been renamed to HydrationBoundary and the useHydrate hook has been removed.
The HydrationBoundary no longer hydrates mutations, only queries. To hydrate mutations, use the low level hydrate API or the persistQueryClient plugin.
Finally, as a technical detail, the timing for when queries are hydrated have changed slightly. New queries are still hydrated in the render phase so that SSR works as usual, but any queries that already exist in the cache are now hydrated in an effect instead (as long as their data is fresher than what is in the cache). If you are hydrating just once at the start of your application as is common, this wont affect you, but if you are using Server Components and pass down fresh data for hydration on a page navigation, you might notice a flash of the old data before the page immediately rerenders.
This last change is technically a breaking one, and was made so we don't prematurely update content on the existing page before a page transition has been fully committed. No action is required on your part.
- import { Hydrate } from '@tanstack/react-query' // [!code --]
+ import { HydrationBoundary } from '@tanstack/react-query' // [!code ++]
- <Hydrate state={dehydratedState}> // [!code --]
+ <HydrationBoundary state={dehydratedState}> // [!code ++]
<App />
- </Hydrate> // [!code --]
+ </HydrationBoundary> // [!code ++]
- import { Hydrate } from '@tanstack/react-query' // [!code --]
+ import { HydrationBoundary } from '@tanstack/react-query' // [!code ++]
- <Hydrate state={dehydratedState}> // [!code --]
+ <HydrationBoundary state={dehydratedState}> // [!code ++]
<App />
- </Hydrate> // [!code --]
+ </HydrationBoundary> // [!code ++]
queryClient.getQueryDefaults will now merge together all matching registrations instead of returning only the first matching registration.
As a result, calls to queryClient.setQueryDefaults should now be ordered with increasing specificity. That is, registrations should be made from the most generic key to the least generic one.
For example:
+ queryClient.setQueryDefaults(['todo'], { // [!code ++]
+ retry: false, // [!code ++]
+ staleTime: 60_000, // [!code ++]
+ }) // [!code ++]
queryClient.setQueryDefaults(['todo', 'detail'], {
+ retry: true, // [!code --]
retryDelay: 1_000,
staleTime: 10_000,
- queryClient.setQueryDefaults(['todo'], { // [!code --]
- retry: false, // [!code --]
- staleTime: 60_000, // [!code --]
- }) // [!code --]
+ queryClient.setQueryDefaults(['todo'], { // [!code ++]
+ retry: false, // [!code ++]
+ staleTime: 60_000, // [!code ++]
+ }) // [!code ++]
queryClient.setQueryDefaults(['todo', 'detail'], {
+ retry: true, // [!code --]
retryDelay: 1_000,
staleTime: 10_000,
- queryClient.setQueryDefaults(['todo'], { // [!code --]
- retry: false, // [!code --]
- staleTime: 60_000, // [!code --]
- }) // [!code --]
Note that in this specific example, retry: true was added to the ['todo', 'detail'] registration to counteract it now inheriting retry: false from the more general registration. The specific changes needed to maintain exact behavior will vary depending on your defaults.
v5 also comes with new features:
We have a new, simplified way to perform optimistic updates by leveraging the returned variables from useMutation:
const queryInfo = useTodos()
const addTodoMutation = useMutation({
mutationFn: (newTodo: string) => axios.post('/api/data', { text: newTodo }),
onSettled: () => queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['todos'] }),
if (queryInfo.data) {
return (
{queryInfo.data.items.map((todo) => (
<li key={todo.id}>{todo.text}</li>
{addTodoMutation.isPending && (
<li key={String(addTodoMutation.submittedAt)} style={{ opacity: 0.5 }}>
const queryInfo = useTodos()
const addTodoMutation = useMutation({
mutationFn: (newTodo: string) => axios.post('/api/data', { text: newTodo }),
onSettled: () => queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['todos'] }),
if (queryInfo.data) {
return (
{queryInfo.data.items.map((todo) => (
<li key={todo.id}>{todo.text}</li>
{addTodoMutation.isPending && (
<li key={String(addTodoMutation.submittedAt)} style={{ opacity: 0.5 }}>
Here, we are only changing how the UI looks when the mutation is running instead of writing data directly to the cache. This works best if we only have one place where we need to show the optimistic update. For more details, have a look at the optimistic updates documentation.
Infinite queries are great when infinite scroll or pagination are needed. However, the more pages you fetch, the more memory you consume, and this also slows down the query refetching process as all the pages are sequentially refetched.
Version 5 has a new maxPages option for infinite queries, which allows developers to limit the number of pages that are stored in the query data and subsequently refetched. You can adjust the maxPages value according to the UX and refetching performance you want to deliver.
Note that the infinite list must be bi-directional, which requires both getNextPageParam and getPreviousPageParam to be defined.
Infinite Queries can be prefetched like regular Queries. Per default, only the first page of the Query will be prefetched and will be stored under the given QueryKey. If you want to prefetch more than one page, you can use the pages option. Read the prefetching guide for more information.
See the useQueries docs for more details.
See the experimental_createPersister docs for more details.
See the TypeScript docs for more details.
With v5, suspense for data fetching finally becomes "stable". We've added dedicated useSuspenseQuery, useSuspenseInfiniteQuery and useSuspenseQueries hooks. With these hooks, data will never be potentially undefined on type level:
const { data: post } = useSuspenseQuery({
// ^? const post: Post
queryKey: ['post', postId],
queryFn: () => fetchPost(postId),
const { data: post } = useSuspenseQuery({
// ^? const post: Post
queryKey: ['post', postId],
queryFn: () => fetchPost(postId),
The experimental suspense: boolean flag on the query hooks has been removed.
You can read more about them in the suspense docs.