If you're lucky enough, you may know enough about what your users will do to be able to prefetch the data they need before it's needed! If this is the case, you can use the prefetchQuery method to prefetch the results of a query to be placed into the cache:
const prefetchTodos = async () => {
// The results of this query will be cached like a normal query
await queryClient.prefetchQuery({
queryKey: ['todos'],
queryFn: fetchTodos,
const prefetchTodos = async () => {
// The results of this query will be cached like a normal query
await queryClient.prefetchQuery({
queryKey: ['todos'],
queryFn: fetchTodos,
Infinite Queries can be prefetched like regular Queries. Per default, only the first page of the Query will be prefetched and will be stored under the given QueryKey. If you want to prefetch more than one page, you can use the pages option, in which case you also have to provide a getNextPageParam function:
const prefetchProjects = async () => {
// The results of this query will be cached like a normal query
await queryClient.prefetchInfiniteQuery({
queryKey: ['projects'],
queryFn: fetchProjects,
initialPageParam: 0,
getNextPageParam: (lastPage, pages) => lastPage.nextCursor,
pages: 3, // prefetch the first 3 pages
const prefetchProjects = async () => {
// The results of this query will be cached like a normal query
await queryClient.prefetchInfiniteQuery({
queryKey: ['projects'],
queryFn: fetchProjects,
initialPageParam: 0,
getNextPageParam: (lastPage, pages) => lastPage.nextCursor,
pages: 3, // prefetch the first 3 pages
The above code will try to prefetch 3 pages in order, and getNextPageParam will be executed for each page to determine the next page to prefetch. If getNextPageParam returns undefined, the prefetching will stop.