
const {
} = useInfiniteQuery({
  queryFn: ({ pageParam }) => fetchPage(pageParam),
  initialPageParam: 1,
  getNextPageParam: (lastPage, allPages, lastPageParam, allPageParams) =>
  getPreviousPageParam: (firstPage, allPages, firstPageParam, allPageParams) =>
const {
} = useInfiniteQuery({
  queryFn: ({ pageParam }) => fetchPage(pageParam),
  initialPageParam: 1,
  getNextPageParam: (lastPage, allPages, lastPageParam, allPageParams) =>
  getPreviousPageParam: (firstPage, allPages, firstPageParam, allPageParams) =>


The options for useInfiniteQuery are identical to the useQuery hook with the addition of the following:

  • queryFn: (context: QueryFunctionContext) => Promise<TData>
    • Required, but only if no default query function has been defined defaultQueryFn
    • The function that the query will use to request data.
    • Receives a QueryFunctionContext
    • Must return a promise that will either resolve data or throw an error.
  • initialPageParam: TPageParam
    • Required
    • The default page param to use when fetching the first page.
  • getNextPageParam: (lastPage, allPages, lastPageParam, allPageParams) => TPageParam | undefined | null
    • Required
    • When new data is received for this query, this function receives both the last page of the infinite list of data and the full array of all pages, as well as pageParam information.
    • It should return a single variable that will be passed as the last optional parameter to your query function.
    • Return undefined or null to indicate there is no next page available.
  • getPreviousPageParam: (firstPage, allPages, firstPageParam, allPageParams) => TPageParam | undefined | null
    • When new data is received for this query, this function receives both the first page of the infinite list of data and the full array of all pages, as well as pageParam information.
    • It should return a single variable that will be passed as the last optional parameter to your query function.
    • Return undefined or nullto indicate there is no previous page available.
  • maxPages: number | undefined
    • The maximum number of pages to store in the infinite query data.
    • When the maximum number of pages is reached, fetching a new page will result in the removal of either the first or last page from the pages array, depending on the specified direction.
    • If undefined or equals 0, the number of pages is unlimited
    • Default value is undefined
    • getNextPageParam and getPreviousPageParam must be properly defined if maxPages value is greater than 0 to allow fetching a page in both directions when needed.


The returned properties for useInfiniteQuery are identical to the useQuery hook, with the addition of the following properties and a small difference in isRefetching and isRefetchError:

  • data.pages: TData[]
    • Array containing all pages.
  • data.pageParams: unknown[]
    • Array containing all page params.
  • isFetchingNextPage: boolean
    • Will be true while fetching the next page with fetchNextPage.
  • isFetchingPreviousPage: boolean
    • Will be true while fetching the previous page with fetchPreviousPage.
  • fetchNextPage: (options?: FetchNextPageOptions) => Promise<UseInfiniteQueryResult>
    • This function allows you to fetch the next "page" of results.
    • options.cancelRefetch: boolean if set to true, calling fetchNextPage repeatedly will invoke queryFn every time, whether the previous invocation has resolved or not. Also, the result from previous invocations will be ignored. If set to false, calling fetchNextPage repeatedly won't have any effect until the first invocation has resolved. Default is true.
  • fetchPreviousPage: (options?: FetchPreviousPageOptions) => Promise<UseInfiniteQueryResult>
    • This function allows you to fetch the previous "page" of results.
    • options.cancelRefetch: boolean same as for fetchNextPage.
  • hasNextPage: boolean
    • Will be true if there is a next page to be fetched (known via the getNextPageParam option).
  • hasPreviousPage: boolean
    • Will be true if there is a previous page to be fetched (known via the getPreviousPageParam option).
  • isFetchNextPageError: boolean
    • Will be true if the query failed while fetching the next page.
  • isFetchPreviousPageError: boolean
    • Will be true if the query failed while fetching the previous page.
  • isRefetching: boolean
    • Will be true whenever a background refetch is in-flight, which does not include initial pending or fetching of next or previous page
    • Is the same as isFetching && !isPending && !isFetchingNextPage && !isFetchingPreviousPage
  • isRefetchError: boolean
    • Will be true if the query failed while refetching a page.
  • promise: Promise<TData>
    • A stable promise that resolves to the query result.
    • This can be used with React.use() to fetch data
    • Requires the experimental_prefetchInRender feature flag to be enabled on the QueryClient.

Keep in mind that imperative fetch calls, such as fetchNextPage, may interfere with the default refetch behaviour, resulting in outdated data. Make sure to call these functions only in response to user actions, or add conditions like hasNextPage && !isFetching.

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