
React Query Kit

🕊️ A toolkit for ReactQuery that makes ReactQuery hooks reusable and typesafe

what do you benefit from it

  • Make queryKey strongly related with queryFn
  • Manage queryKey in a type-safe way
  • Generate a custom ReactQuery hook quickly
  • Make queryClient's operations clearly associated with custom ReactQuery hooks
  • Set defaultOptions for custom ReactQuery hooks easier and clearer


This module is distributed via NPM and should be installed as one of your project's dependencies:

$ npm i react-query-kit
# or
$ pnpm add react-query-kit
# or
$ yarn add react-query-kit
$ npm i react-query-kit
# or
$ pnpm add react-query-kit
# or
$ yarn add react-query-kit

Quick start with nextjs


import { QueryClient, dehydrate } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { createQuery } from 'react-query-kit'

type Response = { title: string; content: string }
type Variables = { id: number }

const usePost = createQuery<Response, Variables, Error>({
  primaryKey: '/posts',
  queryFn: ({ queryKey: [primaryKey, variables] }) => {
    // primaryKey equals to '/posts'
    return fetch(`${primaryKey}/${}`).then(res => res.json())
  suspense: true

const variables = { id: 1 }

export default function Page() {
  // queryKey equals to ['/posts', { id: 1 }]
  const { data } = usePost({ variables, suspense: true })

  return (

console.log(usePost.getKey()) //  ['/posts']
console.log(usePost.getKey(variables)) //  ['/posts', { id: 1 }]

export async function getStaticProps() {
  const queryClient = new QueryClient()

  await queryClient.prefetchQuery(usePost.getKey(variables), usePost.queryFn)

  return {
    props: {
      dehydratedState: dehydrate(queryClient),
import { QueryClient, dehydrate } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { createQuery } from 'react-query-kit'

type Response = { title: string; content: string }
type Variables = { id: number }

const usePost = createQuery<Response, Variables, Error>({
  primaryKey: '/posts',
  queryFn: ({ queryKey: [primaryKey, variables] }) => {
    // primaryKey equals to '/posts'
    return fetch(`${primaryKey}/${}`).then(res => res.json())
  suspense: true

const variables = { id: 1 }

export default function Page() {
  // queryKey equals to ['/posts', { id: 1 }]
  const { data } = usePost({ variables, suspense: true })

  return (

console.log(usePost.getKey()) //  ['/posts']
console.log(usePost.getKey(variables)) //  ['/posts', { id: 1 }]

export async function getStaticProps() {
  const queryClient = new QueryClient()

  await queryClient.prefetchQuery(usePost.getKey(variables), usePost.queryFn)

  return {
    props: {
      dehydratedState: dehydrate(queryClient),

Check the complete documentation on GitHub.

Want to Skip the Docs? - The Official React Query Course
“This course is the best way to learn how to use React Query in real-world applications.”—Tanner Linsley
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