The useQueries hook can be used to fetch a variable number of queries:
const results = useQueries({
queries: [
{ queryKey: ['post', 1], queryFn: fetchPost, staleTime: Infinity },
{ queryKey: ['post', 2], queryFn: fetchPost, staleTime: Infinity },
const results = useQueries({
queries: [
{ queryKey: ['post', 1], queryFn: fetchPost, staleTime: Infinity },
{ queryKey: ['post', 2], queryFn: fetchPost, staleTime: Infinity },
The useQueries hook accepts an options object with a queries key whose value is an array with query option objects identical to the useQuery hook (excluding the context option).
Having the same query key more than once in the array of query objects may cause some data to be shared between queries, e.g. when using placeholderData and select. To avoid this, consider de-duplicating the queries and map the results back to the desired structure.
The useQueries hook returns an array with all the query results. The order returned is the same as the input order.