The RouterEvents type contains all of the events that the router can emit. Each top-level key of this type, represents the name of an event that the router can emit. The values of the keys are the event payloads.
type RouterEvents = {
onBeforeNavigate: {
type: 'onBeforeNavigate'
fromLocation: ParsedLocation
toLocation: ParsedLocation
pathChanged: boolean
hrefChanged: boolean
onBeforeLoad: {
type: 'onBeforeLoad'
fromLocation: ParsedLocation
toLocation: ParsedLocation
pathChanged: boolean
hrefChanged: boolean
onLoad: {
type: 'onLoad'
fromLocation: ParsedLocation
toLocation: ParsedLocation
pathChanged: boolean
hrefChanged: boolean
onResolved: {
type: 'onResolved'
fromLocation: ParsedLocation
toLocation: ParsedLocation
pathChanged: boolean
hrefChanged: boolean
onBeforeRouteMount: {
type: 'onBeforeRouteMount'
fromLocation: ParsedLocation
toLocation: ParsedLocation
pathChanged: boolean
hrefChanged: boolean
type RouterEvents = {
onBeforeNavigate: {
type: 'onBeforeNavigate'
fromLocation: ParsedLocation
toLocation: ParsedLocation
pathChanged: boolean
hrefChanged: boolean
onBeforeLoad: {
type: 'onBeforeLoad'
fromLocation: ParsedLocation
toLocation: ParsedLocation
pathChanged: boolean
hrefChanged: boolean
onLoad: {
type: 'onLoad'
fromLocation: ParsedLocation
toLocation: ParsedLocation
pathChanged: boolean
hrefChanged: boolean
onResolved: {
type: 'onResolved'
fromLocation: ParsedLocation
toLocation: ParsedLocation
pathChanged: boolean
hrefChanged: boolean
onBeforeRouteMount: {
type: 'onBeforeRouteMount'
fromLocation: ParsedLocation
toLocation: ParsedLocation
pathChanged: boolean
hrefChanged: boolean
Once an event is emitted, the following properties will be present on the event payload.
import { createRouter } from '@tanstack/react-router'
import { routeTree } from './routeTree.gen'
const router = createRouter({ routeTree })
const unsub = router.subscribe('onResolved', (evt) => {
// ...
import { createRouter } from '@tanstack/react-router'
import { routeTree } from './routeTree.gen'
const router = createRouter({ routeTree })
const unsub = router.subscribe('onResolved', (evt) => {
// ...
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