
Comparison | TanStack Router vs React Router

Before you commit to a new tool, it's always nice to know how it stacks up against the competition!

This comparison table strives to be as accurate and as unbiased as possible. If you use any of these libraries and feel the information could be improved, feel free to suggest changes (with notes or evidence of claims) using the "Edit this page on GitHub" link at the bottom of this page.

Feature/Capability Key:

  • ✅ 1st-class, built-in, and ready to use with no added configuration or code
  • 🔵 Supported via addon package
  • 🟡 Partial Support
  • 🔶 Possible, but requires custom code/implementation/casting
  • 🛑 Not officially supported
TanStack RouterReact Router DOM (Website)Next.JS (Website)
Github Repo / Stars
Bundle Size
History, Memory & Hash Routers🛑
Nested / Layout Routes🟡
Suspense-like Route Transitions
Typesafe Routes🛑🟡
Code-based Routes🛑
File-based Routes
Virtual/Programmatic File-based Routes🛑
Router Loaders
SWR Loader Caching🛑
Route Prefetching
Auto Route Prefetching🔵 (via Remix)
Route Prefetching Delay🔶🛑
Path Params
Typesafe Path Params🛑🛑
Path Param Validation🛑🛑
Custom Path Param Parsing/Serialization🛑🛑
Ranked Routes
Active Link Customization
Optimistic UI🔶
Typesafe Absolute + Relative Navigation🛑🛑
Route Mount/Transition/Unmount Events🛑🛑
Basic Search Params
Search Param Hooks
<Link/>/useNavigate Search Param API🟡 (search-string only via the to/search options)🟡 (search-string only via the to/search options)
JSON Search Params🔶🔶
TypeSafe Search Params🛑🛑
Search Param Schema Validation🛑🛑
Search Param Immutability + Structural Sharing🔶🛑
Custom Search Param parsing/serialization🔶🛑
Search Param Middleware🛑🛑
Suspense Route Elements
Route Error Elements
Route Pending Elements
Streaming SSR
Deferred Primitives
Navigation Scroll Restoration
Loader Caching (SWR + Invalidation)🔶 (TanStack Query is recommended)🛑
Actions🔶 (TanStack Query is recommended)
<Form> API🛑
Full-Stack APIs🛑
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