TanStackRouter v1


The NotFoundError type is used to represent a not-found error in TanStack Router.

export type NotFoundError = {
  global?: boolean
  data?: any
  throw?: boolean
  routeId?: string
export type NotFoundError = {
  global?: boolean
  data?: any
  throw?: boolean
  routeId?: string

NotFoundError properties

The NotFoundError object accepts/contains the following properties:

data property

  • Type: any
  • Optional
  • Custom data that is passed into to notFoundComponent when the not-found error is handled

global property

  • Type: boolean
  • Optional - default: false
  • If true, the not-found error will be handled by the notFoundComponent of the root route instead of bubbling up from the route that threw it. This has the same behavior as importing the root route and calling RootRoute.notFound().

route property

  • Type: string
  • Optional
  • The ID of the route that will attempt to handle the not-found error. If the route does not have a notFoundComponent, the error will bubble up to the parent route (and be handled by the root route if necessary). By default, TanStack Router will attempt to handle the not-found error with the route that threw it.

throw property

  • Type: boolean
  • Optional - default: false
  • If provided, will throw the not-found object instead of returning it. This can be useful in places where throwing in a function might cause it to have a return type of never. In that case, you can use notFound({ throw: true }) to throw the not-found object instead of returning it.
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