The RouteOptions type is used to describe the options that can be used when creating a route.
RouteOptions properties
The RouteOptions type accepts an object with the following properties:
getParentRoute method
- Type: () => TParentRoute
- Required
- A function that returns the parent route of the route being created. This is required to provide full type safety to child route configurations and to ensure that the route tree is built correctly.
path property
- Type: string
- Required, unless an id is provided to configure the route as a layout route
- The path segment that will be used to match the route.
id property
- Type: string
- Optional, but required if a path is not provided
- The unique identifier for the route if it is to be configured as a layout route. If provided, the, the route will not match against the location pathname and its routes will be flattened into its parent route for matching.
component property
- Type: RouteComponent or LazyRouteComponent
- Optional - Defaults to <Outlet />
- The content to be rendered when the route is matched.
errorComponent property
- Type: RouteComponent or LazyRouteComponent
- Optional - Defaults to routerOptions.defaultErrorComponent
- The content to be rendered when the route encounters an error.
pendingComponent property
- Type: RouteComponent or LazyRouteComponent
- Optional - Defaults to routerOptions.defaultPendingComponent
- The content to be rendered if and when the route is pending and has reached its pendingMs threshold.
notFoundComponent property
- Type: NotFoundRouteComponent or LazyRouteComponent
- Optional - Defaults to routerOptions.defaultNotFoundComponent
- The content to be rendered when the route is not found.
validateSearch method
- Type: (rawSearchParams: unknown) => TSearchSchema
- Optional
- A function that will be called when this route is matched and passed the raw search params from the current location and return valid parsed search params. If this function throws, the route will be put into an error state and the error will be thrown during render. If this function does not throw, its return value will be used as the route's search params and the return type will be inferred into the rest of the router.
- Optionally, the parameter type can be tagged with the SearchSchemaInput type like this: (searchParams: TSearchSchemaInput & SearchSchemaInput) => TSearchSchema. If this tag is present, TSearchSchemaInput will be used to type the search property of <Link /> and navigate() instead of TSearchSchema. The difference between TSearchSchemaInput and TSearchSchema can be useful, for example, to express optional search parameters.
search.middlewares property
- Type: (({search: TSearchSchema, next: (newSearch: TSearchSchema) => TSearchSchema}) => TSearchSchema)[]
- Optional
- Search middlewares are functions that transform the search parameters when generating new links for a route or its descendants.
- A search middleware is passed in the current search (if it is the first middleware to run) or is invoked by the previous middleware calling next.
parseParams method (⚠️ deprecated)
- Type: (rawParams: Record<string, string>) => TParams
- Optional
- A function that will be called when this route is matched and passed the raw params from the current location and return valid parsed params. If this function throws, the route will be put into an error state and the error will be thrown during render. If this function does not throw, its return value will be used as the route's params and the return type will be inferred into the rest of the router.
stringifyParams method (⚠️ deprecated)
- Type: (params: TParams) => Record<string, string>
- Required if parseParams is provided
- A function that will be called when this routes parsed params are being used to build a location. This function should return a valid object of Record<string, string> mapping.
params.parse method
- Type: (rawParams: Record<string, string>) => TParams
- Optional
- A function that will be called when this route is matched and passed the raw params from the current location and return valid parsed params. If this function throws, the route will be put into an error state and the error will be thrown during render. If this function does not throw, its return value will be used as the route's params and the return type will be inferred into the rest of the router.
params.stringify method
- Type: (params: TParams) => Record<string, string>
- A function that will be called when this routes parsed params are being used to build a location. This function should return a valid object of Record<string, string> mapping.
beforeLoad method
type beforeLoad = (
opts: RouteMatch & {
search: TFullSearchSchema
abortController: AbortController
preload: boolean
params: TAllParams
context: TParentContext
location: ParsedLocation
navigate: NavigateFn<AnyRoute> // @deprecated
buildLocation: BuildLocationFn<AnyRoute>
cause: 'enter' | 'stay'
) => Promise<TRouteContext> | TRouteContext | void
type beforeLoad = (
opts: RouteMatch & {
search: TFullSearchSchema
abortController: AbortController
preload: boolean
params: TAllParams
context: TParentContext
location: ParsedLocation
navigate: NavigateFn<AnyRoute> // @deprecated
buildLocation: BuildLocationFn<AnyRoute>
cause: 'enter' | 'stay'
) => Promise<TRouteContext> | TRouteContext | void
- Optional
- ParsedLocation
- This async function is called before a route is loaded. If an error is thrown here, the route's loader will not be called and the route will not render. If thrown during a navigation, the navigation will be cancelled and the error will be passed to the onError function. If thrown during a preload event, the error will be logged to the console and the preload will fail.
- If this function returns a promise, the route will be put into a pending state and cause rendering to suspend until the promise resolves. If this routes pendingMs threshold is reached, the pendingComponent will be shown until it resolved. If the promise rejects, the route will be put into an error state and the error will be thrown during render.
- If this function returns a TRouteContext object, that object will be merged into the route's context and be made available in the loader and other related route components/methods.
- It's common to use this function to check if a user is authenticated and redirect them to a login page if they are not. To do this, you can either return or throw a redirect object from this function.
🚧 opts.navigate has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Use throw redirect({ to: '/somewhere' }) instead. Read more about the redirect function here.
loader method
type loader = (
opts: RouteMatch & {
search: TFullSearchSchema
abortController: AbortController
preload: boolean
params: TAllParams
context: TAllContext
location: ParsedLocation
navigate: NavigateFn<AnyRoute> // @deprecated
buildLocation: BuildLocationFn<AnyRoute>
cause: 'enter' | 'stay'
) => Promise<TLoaderData> | TLoaderData | void
type loader = (
opts: RouteMatch & {
search: TFullSearchSchema
abortController: AbortController
preload: boolean
params: TAllParams
context: TAllContext
location: ParsedLocation
navigate: NavigateFn<AnyRoute> // @deprecated
buildLocation: BuildLocationFn<AnyRoute>
cause: 'enter' | 'stay'
) => Promise<TLoaderData> | TLoaderData | void
- Optional
- ParsedLocation
- This async function is called when a route is matched and passed the route's match object. If an error is thrown here, the route will be put into an error state and the error will be thrown during render. If thrown during a navigation, the navigation will be cancelled and the error will be passed to the onError function. If thrown during a preload event, the error will be logged to the console and the preload will fail.
- If this function returns a promise, the route will be put into a pending state and cause rendering to suspend until the promise resolves. If this routes pendingMs threshold is reached, the pendingComponent will be shown until it resolved. If the promise rejects, the route will be put into an error state and the error will be thrown during render.
- If this function returns a TLoaderData object, that object will be stored on the route match until the route match is no longer active. It can be accessed using the useLoaderData hook in any component that is a child of the route match before another <Outlet /> is rendered.
🚧 opts.navigate has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Use throw redirect({ to: '/somewhere' }) instead. Read more about the redirect function here.
loaderDeps method
type loaderDeps = (opts: { search: TFullSearchSchema }) => Record<string, any>
type loaderDeps = (opts: { search: TFullSearchSchema }) => Record<string, any>
- Optional
- A function that will be called before this route is matched to provide additional unique identification to the route match and serve as a dependency tracker for when the match should be reloaded. It should return any serializable value that can uniquely identify the route match from navigation to navigation.
- By default, path params are already used to uniquely identify a route match, so it's unnecessary to return these here.
- If your route match relies on search params for unique identification, it's required that you return them here so they can be made available in the loader's deps argument.
staleTime property
- Type: number
- Optional
- Defaults to routerOptions.defaultStaleTime, which defaults to 0
- The amount of time in milliseconds that a route match's loader data will be considered fresh. If a route match is matched again within this time frame, its loader data will not be reloaded.
preloadStaleTime property
- Type: number
- Optional
- Defaults to routerOptions.defaultPreloadStaleTime, which defaults to 30_000 ms (30 seconds)
- The amount of time in milliseconds that a route match's loader data will be considered fresh when preloading. If a route match is preloaded again within this time frame, its loader data will not be reloaded. If a route match is loaded (for navigation) within this time frame, the normal staleTime is used instead.
gcTime property
- Type: number
- Optional
- Defaults to routerOptions.defaultGcTime, which defaults to 30 minutes.
- The amount of time in milliseconds that a route match's loader data will be kept in memory after a preload or it is no longer in use.
shouldReload property
- Type: boolean | ((args: LoaderArgs) => boolean)
- Optional
- If false or returns false, the route match's loader data will not be reloaded on subsequent matches.
- If true or returns true, the route match's loader data will be reloaded on subsequent matches.
- If undefined or returns undefined, the route match's loader data will adhere to the default stale-while-revalidate behavior.
caseSensitive property
- Type: boolean
- Optional
- If true, this route will be matched as case-sensitive
wrapInSuspense property
- Type: boolean
- Optional
- If true, this route will be forcefully wrapped in a suspense boundary, regardless if a reason is found to do so from inspecting its provided components.
pendingMs property
- Type: number
- Optional
- Defaults to routerOptions.defaultPendingMs, which defaults to 1000
- The threshold in milliseconds that a route must be pending before its pendingComponent is shown.
pendingMinMs property
- Type: number
- Optional
- Defaults to routerOptions.defaultPendingMinMs which defaults to 500
- The minimum amount of time in milliseconds that the pending component will be shown for if it is shown. This is useful to prevent the pending component from flashing on the screen for a split second.
preloadMaxAge property
- Type: number
- Optional
- Defaults to 30_000 ms (30 seconds)
- The maximum amount of time in milliseconds that a route's preloaded route data will be cached for. If a route is not matched within this time frame, its loader data will be discarded.
preSearchFilters property (⚠️ deprecated, use search.middlewares instead)
- Type: ((search: TFullSearchSchema) => TFullSearchSchema)[]
- Optional
- An array of functions that will be called when generating any new links to this route or its grandchildren.
- Each function will be called with the current search params and should return a new search params object that will be used to generate the link.
- It has a pre prefix because it is called before the user-provided function that is passed to navigate/Link etc has a chance to modify the search params.
postSearchFilters property (⚠️ deprecated, use search.middlewares instead)
- Type: ((search: TFullSearchSchema) => TFullSearchSchema)[]
- Optional
- An array of functions that will be called when generating any new links to this route or its grandchildren.
- Each function will be called with the current search params and should return a new search params object that will be used to generate the link.
- It has a post prefix because it is called after the user-provided function that is passed to navigate/Link etc has modified the search params.
onError property
- Type: (error: any) => void
- Optional
- A function that will be called when an error is thrown during a navigation or preload event.
- If this function throws a redirect, then the router will process and apply the redirect immediately.
onEnter property
- Type: (match: RouteMatch) => void
- Optional
- A function that will be called when a route is matched and loaded after not being matched in the previous location.
onStay property
- Type: (match: RouteMatch) => void
- Optional
- A function that will be called when a route is matched and loaded after being matched in the previous location.
onLeave property
- Type: (match: RouteMatch) => void
- Optional
- A function that will be called when a route is no longer matched after being matched in the previous location.
onCatch property
- Type: (error: Error, errorInfo: ErrorInfo) => void
- Optional - Defaults to routerOptions.defaultOnCatch
- A function that will be called when errors are caught when the route encounters an error.