The RouterOptions type contains all of the options that can be used to configure a router instance.
RouterOptions properties
The RouterOptions type accepts an object with the following properties and methods:
routeTree property
- Type: AnyRoute
- Required
- The route tree that will be used to configure the router instance.
history property
- Type: RouterHistory
- Optional
- The history object that will be used to manage the browser history. If not provided, a new createBrowserHistory instance will be created and used.
stringifySearch method
- Type: (search: Record<string, any>) => string
- Optional
- A function that will be used to stringify search params when generating links.
- Defaults to defaultStringifySearch.
parseSearch method
- Type: (search: string) => Record<string, any>
- Optional
- A function that will be used to parse search params when parsing the current location.
- Defaults to defaultParseSearch.
search.strict property
- Type: boolean
- Optional
- Defaults to false
- Configures how unknown search params (= not returned by any validateSearch) are treated.
- If false, unknown search params will be kept.
- If true, unknown search params will be removed.
defaultPreload property
- Type: undefined | false | 'intent' | 'viewport' | 'render'
- Optional
- Defaults to false
- If false, routes will not be preloaded by default in any way.
- If 'intent', routes will be preloaded by default when the user hovers over a link or a touchstart event is detected on a <Link>.
- If 'viewport', routes will be preloaded by default when they are within the viewport of the browser.
- If 'render', routes will be preloaded by default as soon as they are rendered in the DOM.
defaultPreloadDelay property
- Type: number
- Optional
- Defaults to 50
- The delay in milliseconds that a route must be hovered over or touched before it is preloaded.
defaultComponent property
- Type: RouteComponent
- Optional
- Defaults to Outlet
- The default component a route should use if no component is provided.
defaultErrorComponent property
- Type: RouteComponent
- Optional
- Defaults to ErrorComponent
- The default errorComponent a route should use if no error component is provided.
defaultNotFoundComponent property
- Type: NotFoundRouteComponent
- Optional
- Defaults to NotFound
- The default notFoundComponent a route should use if no notFound component is provided.
defaultPendingComponent property
- Type: RouteComponent
- Optional
- The default pendingComponent a route should use if no pending component is provided.
defaultPendingMs property
- Type: number
- Optional
- Defaults to 1000
- The default pendingMs a route should use if no pendingMs is provided.
defaultPendingMinMs property
- Type: number
- Optional
- Defaults to 500
- The default pendingMinMs a route should use if no pendingMinMs is provided.
defaultStaleTime property
- Type: number
- Optional
- Defaults to 0
- The default staleTime a route should use if no staleTime is provided.
defaultPreloadStaleTime property
- Type: number
- Optional
- Defaults to 30_000 ms (30 seconds)
- The default preloadStaleTime a route should use if no preloadStaleTime is provided.
defaultPreloadGcTime property
- Type: number
- Optional
- Defaults to routerOptions.defaultGcTime, which defaults to 30 minutes.
- The default preloadGcTime a route should use if no preloadGcTime is provided.
defaultGcTime property
- Type: number
- Optional
- Defaults to 30 minutes.
- The default gcTime a route should use if no gcTime is provided.
defaultOnCatch property
- Type: (error: Error, errorInfo: ErrorInfo) => void
- Optional
- The default onCatch handler for errors caught by the Router ErrorBoundary
defaultViewTransition property
- Type: boolean | ViewTransitionOptions
- Optional
- If true, route navigations will be called using document.startViewTransition().
- If ViewTransitionOptions, route navigations will be called using document.startViewTransition({update, types})
where types will be the strings array passed with ViewTransitionOptions["types"]. If the browser does not support viewTransition types,
the navigation will fall back to normal document.startTransition(), same as if true was passed.
- If the browser does not support this api, this option will be ignored.
- See MDN for more information on how this function works.
- See Google for more informations on viewTransition types
- Type: boolean | ScrollIntoViewOptions
- Optional
- Defaults to true so the element with an id matching the hash will be scrolled into view after the location is committed to history.
- If false, the element with an id matching the hash will not be scrolled into view after the location is committed to history.
- If an object is provided, it will be passed to the scrollIntoView method as options.
- See MDN for more information on ScrollIntoViewOptions.
caseSensitive property
- Type: boolean
- Optional
- Defaults to false
- If true, all routes will be matched as case-sensitive.
basepath property
- Type: string
- Optional
- Defaults to /
- The basepath for then entire router. This is useful for mounting a router instance at a subpath.
context property
- Type: any
- Optional or required if the root route was created with createRootRouteWithContext().
- The root context that will be provided to all routes in the route tree. This can be used to provide a context to all routes in the tree without having to provide it to each route individually.
dehydrate method
- Type: () => TDehydrated
- Optional
- A function that will be called when the router is dehydrated. The return value of this function will be serialized and stored in the router's dehydrated state.
hydrate method
- Type: (dehydrated: TDehydrated) => void
- Optional
- A function that will be called when the router is hydrated. The return value of this function will be serialized and stored in the router's dehydrated state.
routeMasks property
- Type: RouteMask[]
- Optional
- An array of route masks that will be used to mask routes in the route tree. Route masking is when you display a route at a different path than the one it is configured to match, like a modal popup that when shared will unmask to the modal's content instead of the modal's context.
unmaskOnReload property
- Type: boolean
- Optional
- Defaults to false
- If true, route masks will, by default, be removed when the page is reloaded. This can be overridden on a per-mask basis by setting the unmaskOnReload option on the mask, or on a per-navigation basis by setting the unmaskOnReload option in the Navigate options.
Wrap property
- Type: React.Component
- Optional
- A component that will be used to wrap the entire router. This is useful for providing a context to the entire router. Only non-DOM-rendering components like providers should be used, anything else will cause a hydration error.
import { createRouter } from '@tanstack/react-router'
const router = createRouter({
// ...
Wrap: ({ children }) => {
return <MyContext.Provider value={myContext}>{children}</MyContext>
import { createRouter } from '@tanstack/react-router'
const router = createRouter({
// ...
Wrap: ({ children }) => {
return <MyContext.Provider value={myContext}>{children}</MyContext>
InnerWrap property
- Type: React.Component
- Optional
- A component that will be used to wrap the inner contents of the router. This is useful for providing a context to the inner contents of the router where you also need access to the router context and hooks. Only non-DOM-rendering components like providers should be used, anything else will cause a hydration error.
import { createRouter } from '@tanstack/react-router'
const router = createRouter({
// ...
InnerWrap: ({ children }) => {
const routerState = useRouterState()
return (
<MyContext.Provider value={myContext}>
import { createRouter } from '@tanstack/react-router'
const router = createRouter({
// ...
InnerWrap: ({ children }) => {
const routerState = useRouterState()
return (
<MyContext.Provider value={myContext}>
notFoundMode property
- Type: 'root' | 'fuzzy'
- Optional
- Defaults to 'fuzzy'
- This property controls how TanStack Router will handle scenarios where it cannot find a route to match the current location. See the Not Found Errors guide for more information.
notFoundRoute property
- Deprecated
- Type: NotFoundRoute
- Optional
- A route that will be used as the default not found route for every branch of the route tree. This can be overridden on a per-branch basis by providing a not found route to the NotFoundRoute option on the root route of the branch.
errorSerializer property
- Type: [RouterErrorSerializer]
- Optional
- The serializer object that will be used to determine how errors are serialized and deserialized between the server and the client.
errorSerializer.serialize method
- Type: (err: unknown) => TSerializedError
- This method is called to define how errors are serialized when they are stored in the router's dehydrated state.
errorSerializer.deserialize method
- Type: (err: TSerializedError) => unknown
- This method is called to define how errors are deserialized from the router's dehydrated state.
- Type: RouterTransformer
- Optional
- The transformer that will be used when sending data between the server and the client during SSR.
- Defaults to a very lightweight transformer that supports a few basic types. See the SSR guide for more information.
- Type: (obj: unknown) => string
- This method is called when stringifying data to be sent to the client.
- Type: (str: string) => unknown
- This method is called when parsing the string encoded by the server.
trailingSlash property
- Type: 'always' | 'never' | 'preserve'
- Optional
- Defaults to never
- Configures how trailing slashes are treated. 'always' will add a trailing slash if not present, 'never' will remove the trailing slash if present and 'preserve' will not modify the trailing slash.
pathParamsAllowedCharacters property
- Type: Array<';' | ':' | '@' | '&' | '=' | '+' | '$' | ','>
- Optional
- Configures which URI characters are allowed in path params that would ordinarily be escaped by encodeURIComponent.
defaultStructuralSharing property
- Type: boolean
- Optional
- Defaults to false
- Configures whether structural sharing is enabled by default for fine-grained selectors.
- See the Render Optimizations guide for more information.