
Router type

The Router type is used to describe a router instance.

Router properties and methods

An instance of the Router has the following properties and methods:

.update method

  • Type: (newOptions: RouterOptions) => void
  • Updates the router instance with new options.

state property

⚠️⚠️⚠️ router.state is always up to date, but NOT REACTIVE. If you use router.state in a component, the component will not re-render when the router state changes. To get a reactive version of the router state, use the useRouterState hook.

.subscribe method

  • Type: (eventType: TType, fn: ListenerFn<RouterEvents[TType]>) => (event: RouterEvent) => void
  • Subscribes to a RouterEvent.
  • Returns a function that can be used to unsubscribe from the event.
  • The callback provided to the returned function will be called with the event that was emitted.

.matchRoutes method

  • Type: (pathname: string, locationSearch: Record<string, any>, opts?: { throwOnError?: boolean; }) => RouteMatch[]
  • Matches a pathname and search params against the router's route tree and returns an array of route matches.
  • If opts.throwOnError is true, any errors that occur during the matching process will be thrown (in addition to being returned in the route match's error property).

.cancelMatch method

  • Type: (matchId: string) => void
  • Cancels a route match that is currently pending by calling match.abortController.abort().

.cancelMatches method

  • Type: () => void
  • Cancels all route matches that are currently pending by calling match.abortController.abort() on each one.

.buildLocation method

Builds a new parsed location object that can be used later to navigate to a new location.

  • Type: (opts: BuildNextOptions) => ParsedLocation
  • Properties
    • from
      • Type: string
      • Optional
      • The path to navigate from. If not provided, the current path will be used.
    • to
      • Type: string | number | null
      • Optional
      • The path to navigate to. If null, the current path will be used.
    • params
      • Type: true | Updater<unknown>
      • Optional
      • If true, the current params will be used. If a function is provided, it will be called with the current params and the return value will be used.
    • search
      • Type: true | Updater<unknown>
      • Optional
      • If true, the current search params will be used. If a function is provided, it will be called with the current search params and the return value will be used.
    • hash
      • Type: true | Updater<string>
      • Optional
      • If true, the current hash will be used. If a function is provided, it will be called with the current hash and the return value will be used.
    • state
      • Type: true | NonNullableUpdater<HistoryState>
      • Optional
      • If true, the current state will be used. If a function is provided, it will be called with the current state and the return value will be used.
    • mask
      • Type: object
      • Optional
      • Contains all of the same BuildNextOptions, with the addition of unmaskOnReload.
      • unmaskOnReload
        • Type: boolean
        • Optional
        • If true, the route mask will be removed when the page is reloaded. This can be overridden on a per-navigation basis by setting the unmaskOnReload option in the Navigate options.

.commitLocation method

Commits a new location object to the browser history.

  • Type
    type commitLocation = (
      location: ParsedLocation & {
        replace?: boolean
        resetScroll?: boolean
        ignoreBlocker?: boolean
    ) => Promise<void>
    type commitLocation = (
      location: ParsedLocation & {
        replace?: boolean
        resetScroll?: boolean
        ignoreBlocker?: boolean
    ) => Promise<void>
  • Properties
    • location
      • Type: ParsedLocation
      • Required
      • The location to commit to the browser history.
    • replace
      • Type: boolean
      • Optional
      • Defaults to false.
      • If true, the location will be committed to the browser history using history.replace instead of history.push.
    • resetScroll
      • Type: boolean
      • Optional
      • Defaults to true so that the scroll position will be reset to 0,0 after the location is committed to the browser history.
      • If false, the scroll position will not be reset to 0,0 after the location is committed to history.
    • ignoreBlocker
      • Type: boolean
      • Optional
      • Defaults to false.
      • If true, navigation will ignore any blockers that might prevent it.

Navigates to a new location.

  • Type
    type navigate = (options: NavigateOptions) => Promise<void>
    type navigate = (options: NavigateOptions) => Promise<void>

.invalidate method

Invalidates route matches by forcing their beforeLoad and load functions to be called again.

  • Type: (opts?: {filter?: (d: MakeRouteMatchUnion<TRouter>) => boolean}) => Promise<void>
  • This is useful any time your loader data might be out of date or stale. For example, if you have a route that displays a list of posts, and you have a loader function that fetches the list of posts from an API, you might want to invalidate the route matches for that route any time a new post is created so that the list of posts is always up-to-date.
  • if filter is not supplied, all matches will be invalidated
  • if filter is supplied, only matches for which filter returns true will be invalidated.
  • You might also want to invalidate the Router if you imperatively reset the router's CatchBoundary to trigger loaders again.

.clearCache method

Remove cached route matches.

  • Type: (opts?: {filter?: (d: MakeRouteMatchUnion<TRouter>) => boolean}) => void
  • if filter is not supplied, all cached matches will be removed
  • if filter is supplied, only matches for which filter returns true will be removed.

.load method

Loads all of the currently matched route matches and resolves when they are all loaded and ready to be rendered.

⚠️⚠️⚠️ router.load() respects route.staleTime and will not forcefully reload a route match if it is still fresh. If you need to forcefully reload a route match, use router.invalidate() instead.

  • Type: () => Promise<void>
  • The most common use case for this method is to call it when doing SSR to ensure that all of the critical data for the current route is loaded before attempting to stream or render the application to the client.

.preloadRoute method

Preloads all of the matches that match the provided NavigateOptions.

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Preloaded route matches are not stored long-term in the router state. They are only stored until the next attempted navigation action.

  • Type: (opts?: NavigateOptions) => Promise<RouteMatch[]>
  • Properties
    • opts
      • Type: NavigateOptions
      • Optional, defaults to the current location.
      • The options that will be used to determine which route matches to preload.
  • Returns
    • A promise that resolves with an array of all of the route matches that were preloaded.

.matchRoute method

Matches a pathname and search params against the router's route tree and returns a route match's params or false if no match was found.

  • Type: (dest: ToOptions, matchOpts?: MatchRouteOptions) => RouteMatch | false
  • Properties
    • dest
      • Type: ToOptions
      • Required
      • The destination to match against.
    • matchOpts
      • Type: MatchRouteOptions
      • Optional
      • Options that will be used to match the destination.
  • Returns
    • A route match object if a match was found.
    • false if no match was found.

.dehydrate method

Dehydrates the router's critical state into a serializable object that can be sent to the client in an initial request.

  • Type: () => DehydratedRouter
  • Returns
    • A serializable object that contains the router's critical state.

.hydrate method

Hydrates the router's critical state from a serializable object that was sent from the server in an initial request.

  • Type: (dehydrated: DehydratedRouter) => void
  • Properties
    • dehydrated
      • Type: DehydratedRouter
      • Required
      • The dehydrated router state that was sent from the server.
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