Route Trees & Nesting

Like most other routers, TanStack Router uses a nested route tree to match up the URL with the correct component tree to render.

To build a route tree, TanStack Router supports both:

  • File-Based Routing
  • Code-Based Routing

Both methods support the exact same core features and functionality, but file-based routing requires less code for the same or better results. For this reasons, file-based routing is the preferred and recommended way to configure TanStack Router and most of the documentation is written from the perspective of file-based routing

For code-based routing documentation, please see the Code-Based Routing guide.

Route Trees

Nested routing is a powerful concept that allows you to use a URL to render a nested component tree. For example, given the URL of /blog/posts/123, you could match a path hierarchy that looks like this:

  • /blog
    • /posts
      • /$postId

And render a component tree that looks like this:

    <Post postId="123" />
    <Post postId="123" />

To configure nested routing TanStack Router uses a route hierarchy called a route tree to organize, match and compose matching routes into a component tree.

Consider the following route tree:

  • Root
    • /
    • about
    • posts
      • /
      • $postId
    • posts/$postId/edit
    • settings
      • profile
      • notifications
    • layout
      • layout-a
      • layout-b
    • files
      • $
  • Not-Found Route

Route trees are represented using a number of different ways:

The route tree examples below showcase the Routing Concepts that are available in TanStack Router.

Flat Routes

Flat routing uses same level of nesting. They make it easy to see and find routes in your project:

FilenameRoute PathComponent Output
index.tsx/ (exact)<Root><RootIndex>
posts.index.tsx/posts (exact)<Root><Posts><PostsIndex>

Directory Routes

Directory routes are routes that are nested within a directory, which can be useful for organizing routes into logical groups and also cutting down on the filename length for routes that get deeply nested:

FilenameRoute PathComponent Output
index.tsx/ (exact)<Root><RootIndex>
posts (dir)
- index.tsx/posts (exact)<Root><Posts><PostsIndex>
- $postId.tsx/posts/$postId<Root><Posts><Post>
posts_ (dir)
- $postId (dir)
- - edit.tsx/posts/$postId/edit<Root><EditPost>
settings (dir)<Root><Settings>
- profile.tsx/settings/profile<Root><Settings><Profile>
- notifications.tsx/settings/notifications<Root><Settings><Notifications>
_layout (dir)
- layout-a.tsx/layout-a<Root><Layout><LayoutA>
- layout-b.tsx/layout-b<Root><Layout><LayoutB>
files (dir)
- $.tsx/files/$<Root><Files>

Mixed Flat and Directory Routes

Both flat and directory routes can be mixed together to create a route tree that uses the best of both worlds where it makes sense.

Code-Based Routes

Code-based routes are routes that are configured using the RootRoute and Route classes directly. You may want to do this simply for taste, or you may find a use-case where file-based routing doesn't work for you (if you do, please let us know!). For code-based routing documentation, please see the Code-Based Routing guide.


Route paths by default are not case-sensitive by default. This means that about.tsx and AbOuT.tsx are considered the same path out-of-the box. This is a good thing, since this is the way most of the web works anyway! That said, if you truly want to be weird and match a path with a different case, you can set a route's caseSensitive option to true.

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